Quayside Isle @ Sentosa Cove’s range of thoughtfully curated specialty stores and services will take care of your every need. To avoid disappointment, we encourage shoppers to check with the outlets directly on the availability and/or appointment placement.
Anatta Culinary Academy
8797 0130
Fiaba Kids
8945 8262/ 8932 1606
Hera Beauty Salon
6268 8949
Jasons Deli
6268 9986
Kali Majapahit Martial Arts
6534 5254
Kindness Flower
8147 8028
6734 2531
Quayside Isle Preparatory School
6235 7527
Simpson Marine
6274 3359
The Straits Wine Company
6292 5633
VIVA - Pilates, Wellness, Beauty
9186 0716 (Pilates); 9785 7753 (Salon)
Accepts CDL E-Vouchers